The 56 different names of Sugar

Sugar is not always like it seem to be, and that is not a secret. But did you know that sugar has over 56 different names. Conventionally enough for the big corporations that makes money out of Peoples suffering. Well I`m gonna go straight too it and give you the 56 different names: Agave nectar…

History and Origin of Oat

Little history of oat is known prior to the time of Christ. Oats did not become important to man as early as wheat or barley. Oats probably per­sisted as a weed‑like plant in other cereals for centuries prior to being cultivated by itself. Some authorities believe that our present cultivated oats developed as a mutation…

Some Interesting facts about Potato

Today potatoes are grown in all 50 states of the USA and in about 125 countries throughout the world. The sweet potato belongs in the same family as morning glories while the white potato belongs to the same group as tomatoes, tobacco, chile pepper, eggplant and the petunia. The potato is about 80% water and…

Tomato history and some intersting facts

Tomatoes have been eaten since ancient times, enjoy a range of interesting information and cool trivia related to this popular food.Tomatoes are easy to grow and are becoming a more and more popular crop. A couple of tomato plants will produce hundreds of fruit and keep you in fresh tomatoes from mid Summer right through…